Conseil d'Administation
Bureau Exécutif
Manal El Rakaawi, MD
Professor of Rheumatology at University Hospital Douera Algiers; Saad Dahlab University Blida, Algeria
Bassel El Zorkany, MD
Secretary General
Professor and Head of the Rheumatology Department, Cairo University
Nizar AbdulLateef Jasim, MD
President Elect
Sr. Consultant Rheumatologist
Professor of Medicine University of Baghdad / College of Medicine
President of Iraqi League for Bone and Joint Health
President of the Pan-Arab Osteoporosis Society
Fatemah Abu Tiban, MD
Past President
Consultant of Medicine and Rheumatology
Imad Uthman, MD
Chairman of the Scientific Committee
Professor and head of rheumatology department at American University of Beirut Medical Center
Basel Masri, MD
Sr. Consultant Rheumatologist, Jordan Hospital & Medical Center Amman, Jordan
Secretary General of the Jordanian Society of Rheumatology-JSR
Membres du Conseil d'administration
Aicha Ladjouze-Rezig, MD
Professeur de rhumatologie
Président de la Ligue Algérienne AntiRhumatismale -LAAR
Hachemi Djoudi, MD
Professeur de Rhumatologie
Président de la Société Algérienne de Rhumatologie-SAR
Ayman AlGarf, MD
Professeur Emérite de rhumatologie, Faculté de médecine, Université du Caire
Président de la Société Egyptienne pour les Maladies articulaires et l'Arthrite
Membre fondateur de l'ArLAR
Wafa Madanat, MD
Consultant Rheumatologist
President of the Jordanian Society of Rheumatology - JSR
Chairman of Scientific Committee 2004-2010
Council Member of the International Society for Behcet's disease
Member of Editorial Board - Journal of the Royal Medical Services
Reviewer - Local and International Journals
Hebah Al-Hajeri, MD
President of Kuwait Association of Rheumatology-KAR
Consultant Internal Medicine and Rheumatology Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital , Kuwait
Nelly Ziade Zoghbi, MD
President of the Lebanese Society of Rheumatology - LSR
Consultant Rheumatologist
Assistant Professor of Rheumatology Public Health and Epidemiology, Hotel-Dieu de France Hospital and Saint-Joseph University Beirut
Soad Hashad, MD
Consultant pediatric rheumatologist and one of the founders of pediatric rheumatology O.P.D in Tripoli Children Hospital since 2008.
Iman El Bashti, MD
Professeur de l’enseignement supérieur à la faculté de médecine et de pharmacie de l’université Cadi ayyad
Chef de service de rhumatologie à l’hôpital Arrazi , Marrakech, Maroc
Présidente de l’association AMMAL
Présidente de la société marocaine de rhumatologie
Humaid Al Wahshi, MD
Senior Consultant Internist, Rheumatologist and Immunologist, Muscat, Oman
President of the Oman Society of Rheumatology-OSR
Riad Eid, MD
Rhumatologue, Jérusalem, PalestineAssistant professor of Medicine and Rheumatology at Alquds university
Sr.consultant Rheumatologist and Internal disease’s at Jericho hospital - Palestinian Ministry Of Health.
President of the Palestinian Rheumatology Society - PSR
Samar Al Emadi, MD
Rhumatologue, Doha, Qatar
Président de Qatar Rheumatology Society
Hanan Al-Rayes, MD
Rhumatologue, Riyad, Arabie Saoudite
Professeur agrégé King Faisal Université, Faculté de Médecine
Présidente de la Société Saoudienne de Rhumatologie
Royaume d’Arabie Saoudite
Wafa Hassan Al-Bashir, MD
Internal medicine and rheumatology consultant President of the Sudanese Society of Rheumatology Friendship Teaching Hospital Alia Specialized Hospital
Layla Kazkaz, MD
Rhumatologue, Damas, Syrie
Présidente de l'Association Syrienne de Rhumatologie
Hela Sahli, MD
Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar.
Rheumatologist at the Rabat Rheumatology Department.
President of the Tunisian Anti Rheumatic league.
Member of the Arab league of associations for Rheumatology (ArLAR).
General Secretary of the Francophone Group of the ArLAR.
Jamal AlSaleh, MD
Consultant Rheumatologist and Head of Unit at Dubai Hospital
President of Emirates Rheumatology Society
Regional Advisor for The Royal College of Physicians London
Member of Emirates Medical Association Executive Board
Past President of Emirates Osteoporosis Society Emirates Rheumatology Society and Arab League Against Rheumatism